Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Guilty Pleasure TV

So, I'm not sure if anyone else ever does this, but do you ever find yourself watching some random channel & becoming completely immersed in whatever show happens to be on? It's something you don't admit to anyone that you've seen, let alone waited for the commercials to be over to see if he leaves her for that skankish girl who's no good for him, or if those teenage mothers actually make it to the end of the show still with the stellar guy who knocked her up.

Me? Well I'm guilty of doing this. Sadly, more than once, with multiple low-brow shows.
Even worse is the fact that the producers of said shows have a target audience & more than likely, they aim for people far younger than myself ...who still attend high school ...and who don't really get the mockery & subtle jokes that leave me rolling around in stitches (case in point : Family Guy)

Of course if I was ever asked what TV I do waste my time watching, I wouldn't be able to help having the titles, "Teen Mom", or "Mob Wives" jump into my mind. (And I just noticed, both these shows air on MTV. I am so pathetic....)

And then, there are the shows that will guarantee I end up crying. Any ICU or emergency hospital show involving kids or a hard luck case - I'm bawling.
A baby show, watching the poor mother go through all those hours of labor, (secretly thanking your lucky stars that  you're not splayed all over the TV & hoping that you never looked like that - cussing & grunting - to get your 'oh-so-precious-just-get-the-damn-thing-OUT-of-me' bundle of joy here.)

You can lay money down that I will be sniffling as soon as that first high pitched squawk is heard. This has also, on occasion, embarrassed my children when friends happen to be hanging out & they have the unfortunate timing to need me for something during Mom's "TV slash alone time"

(And no, they STILL haven't figured out the 'alone' part of this. It's also happened whenever I'm on the phone, trying to make an important point or just any general, another-time-would-be-better moment)

Well, that's my (I guess 'vent'??) post for the day. I figured I should get in another one because every time I entered a giveaway I would see my old post attached to the end of my entry & it was a great way to make me feel like the 'Blogger who Lacked'. So voila! Here I am, amending that sitch. Also, there are some fabulous giveaways rocking the blog world. Check out my buttons, to the right, pick any of those & you'll come across some excellent sites with fantastic pointers, tips, freebies, codes or giveaways.

Until next time!

P.S I do have to add really quickly that despite my horrendous taste in TV, I have NEVER lowered myself to Maury or Jerry Springer. Or MSNBC for that matter ;)

6 reactions!:

Polly said...

I am addicted to MTV and not afraid to admit it. I love the trash!!

Anonymous said...

For some reason, I only watch sports on t.v. anymore.

Living in La La Land said...

ROFL! I just started watching Mob Wives on VH1 & it is rediculously stupid! I find myself yelling at them & juging them for being so Stuh-pad!
So I feel your pain sister;)

Kimberly said...

My new "guilty pleasure" is "The Voice". I have tried a couple of times to watch Mob Wives, since my sister said "You have to see this show" I don't get the appeal, but that is just me.

Have a blessed day!

Scribbles said...

I was blog hopping and i came across your blog. I am now a follower..
Simply Sami

Joe. said...

Polly - we are now considered family. Trash on right?

Bama - I'm hoping that includes Rugby ...? Not just bloody Football!

LaLa - Me too! I'm cussing up a storm & calm myself down during the commercials. I KNEW I was in good company ;)

Kimberly - You've inspired me. I'm going to check 'The Voice' out, for kicks n giggles.

Sami - To be honest, I can't tell if you're impressed or very polite, but thank you either way! I'll stop by and check your blog ramblings out also, please to meet.

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