This site is a great way to post your point of view, and people actually read! They want to know what you think! How were those diapers from Wal Mart? Did the Target brand last your child long enough - or was it poor quality? You leave your opinions and reviews on different products, everything from Local Places, to a movie you saw. To a new toy, electronic or otherwise. And the best part is - you don't have to feel like the company brand is peering over you shoulder frowning if you find a certain item to be so, so. (Like my experience with Hasbro?)
This site wants your opinions!! This is also a great way to begin your career as a Mom blogger, by writing reviews about things you use everyday, and helping someone else avoid a mistake you made, or help someone get a great find that wasn't very well known until you stumbled across it.
This is definitely a site that has helped me in the past, will continue to help me in the future, and perhaps you should go check it out and see what it's all about. On top of all that - they have awesome opportunities, like the one I was approved for - testing out a Norton Anti-virus. The catch with it is, they want me to write what I think! How easy is that - I usually can't help telloing someone what I think about this or that - and they are ASKING me too! mwahah. Can do ;)
I also missed posting my Wordless Wednesday - so here's a belated picture of my youngest, looking all cosy, reading her bedtime story while we were roughing it camping (in a lovely cabin on the outskirts of town) up in Marysvale for the annual month of October hunt.
Also - I'd love for you guys to enter the giveaways, one of which ends TONIGHT AT MIDNIGHT! (Krishala's original art piece, so hurry and enter that one!) And as no one has yet entered the "Baby's First Phone Call," that one could mean a very easy win for someone - and it's a totally fantastic product!
5 reactions!:
Okay, if I went camping...that's totally HOW I'd 'camp' A soft cozy bed with nice clean white sheets. *ahhhh* (I'm totally NOT a camper otherwise, lol)
Oh she looks so darn cute:)
What a life;} She is adorable!
Adorable picture. That's my kind of roughing it, by the way :).
Oh, following you now, too, by the way!
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