Saturday, March 27, 2010

Blog prejustices?

I've noticed that there are several types of bloggers and wondered which catergory I fall into. I've actually been told that these are the "unspoken prejustices" of blogging - a sort of online do's and don't, which if you don't know about, could cause you to commit a social faux pas. So I thought I'd post these (Malik - unfortunately you fall into the 2nd one :P)

1: Blog Snob: This type of Blogger will ignore comments from anyone with less than 2-300 followers, despite how nicely you might compliment their new layout, or how adorable the picture of some meal they cooked for dinner (yawn) looks. Approach at your own risk.

2: Blog Flirter: This type of Blogger will seek out "cute" profile pics, strike up conversations, that eventually lead to comments of how cute you are and how much they'd love to meet you. This type of blogger should be avoided at all costs - not only are they superfical, they most likely have several STD's unknown to the medical profession. BEWARE.

3: Blog Avenger: This type of Blogger will utalize their blog to make derogatory posts about other bloggers they feel have 'wronged' them in some way. They make posts directed at the object of their displeasure, causing your IQ to drop, merely by reading it. This blogger is sometimes worth a laugh - but at their expense.

4: Super Blogger: This blogger will post about everything and anything, they are constantly on top of returing their comments, doing their giveaways, and checking out any new blog that catches their eye. This type of blogger can make you feel inadaquate, unintentionally. Great for a read - don't try and keep up.

5: The Rest Of Us: This type of Blogger will make mistakes, not always get their giveaways ended on time, forget to return comments, although they have the best of intentions.
They also get on sparingly, yell at their kids & are often times late & forgetful. These blogs are worth following as they exhibit some human like traits.

I (obviously) fall into the last catergory, I forget, I digress, and I ramble. I'm a mess, I can't always finish what I set out to do - usually due to real life, I love my kids madly and am in dire need of a holiday :D

Mike - thanks to you for pointing these out to me - even though you fall into number 2 as well. HA!

29 reactions!:

Unknown said...

LOL!! That's friggin hilarious!

My bet is you're definitely the last one - and as for needing a vacation, ALABAMA BABY! Change your mind, & come with us, please please please please please! I'll let you ride shotgun ....

Unknown said...

And you know you check out cute profile pics too. lol.

Babes Mami said...

I love #2 (the STDs part) and luckily have not encountered one and hope I don't!

Tracy said...

That 's funny! I guess I fall into the last one :O) As for my profile pic, unless they have a south park fetish.......

Desert Rose said...

I'd have to say that I fall into "the rest of us" category too.

Jessica Warrick said...

I can honestly say i fall into the last category. I am a mess and my family knows it. lol

Anonymous said...

That's pretty funny! I try to be a "super blogger" but I'm too slow at responding to the comments for that so I guess I'm an "everyone else" I'm good with that!

Student Entrepreneur said...

I love reading your blog!! I am the last also:) But happy to be!!!

Anonymous said...

I've not heard about these faux pas until now. Very clever and I agree with you I am also in the last category.


Heather @ Marine Corps Nomads said...

This is cute. I'd love to say that I'm a Super Blogger, but alas, I fall into the last category. lol!

Betsy Henry said...

I guess I fall into that category, too! It's nice to be in great company!!

Staci A said...

Love it! I would guess (or hope at least) that I'm in the last category...because I'm always forgetting things or messing something up. Late and forgetful seems to fit me too, lol!

peasterpeach said...

Love it! I think I fall into the last category but Lordy who knows?!

Julie said...

As for me, I'm the last one as well. I always have such great intention but low and behold something else comes up and I have great intentions on that one too.
I don't think I have met to many blogs that at least don't have something interestings to see or read. There's no way to please everyone so please yourself and let the rest love you for you.
Take care and have a great and blessed afternoon.

Sandy said...

I think I fit in the last one.. quite
Loved your list...
Thanks for visiting my blog.....

Retro Girl said...

I too, fall into the last one :-)
Sometimes it's hard to do so much...wish I had a clone (or 2 or 3 LOL!)
I really don't care for type 1. Life is too short for all that!

Unknown said...

LOL.I'm totally in the last category. I've been such a mess for the last couple of weeks that I haven't posted my giveaway winners on time, my posts just keep getting delayed due to real life and family matters. Thanks for posting this up. I was really in a stressed out mode but got a good chuckle on this post:)

Heff said...

I actually consider myself a

"Super rest of us Avenger".

PS - Do you like poetry ?1?

Dina said...

hi following from mbc/fff im no blog

Anonymous said...

Oh man, those are awesome! So funny.

Jumpin' Jeff said...

Great, informative post. It is funny that the world of blogging does have certain types of people. You're right. It's hard to keep up with the comments, but I think most bloggers understand if comments don't come in for a day or two (or more). I enjoy the blog. Keep up the great work, and sorry about the freaky idiot guys out there. I'm dumb, but not an idiot. :)

Krissy said...

I fall into the last as well. I just wish the companies I deal with for giveaways were more punctual! I'm still waiting for 2 to be delivered to the winner from a few weeks ago! lol

Jessi said...

LOL that is hilarious!!! I definitely fall into the last category too. I loved this, thanks for posting!!

Heff said...

Hey Joe (lol) You Cook ?

Polly said...

There are cute profile pics? Man I am way way behind the times!!!

Unknown said...

ha ha ha. man. I have not met the flirty blogger yet. good think. ew!

Farmers Wifey said...

I'm definately the last one..I don't even know how to do a freakin' giveaway...I love your blog!

Tree said...

Oh, that's GOOD!! lmao And I definitely know at least one blogger in each category. LOL

Tree (aka Mother of Pearl)

P.S. I would love to invite you to join our new community network for moms...Mommies Faves Mom Bloggers Network. Hope to see you there soon!

Sara said...

Nice! I hope I fall into the last one. :)

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